Safer Workplaces. Stronger Businesses.

Learn how Montana State Fund is making Montana a better place to do business.

Protecting businesses, keeping workers safe and helping Montana’s economy thrive is what we do best at Montana State Fund (MSF). We’re an independent non-profit public corporation and the largest workers’ compensation insurer in the state. We offer a unique combination of safety programs and services that make Montana a better place for people to work and do business.

We work proactively to keep workers safe. We provide training, education and resources to prevent injuries from happening on the job. When accidents do happen, our medical and wage loss benefits help Montanans get back on their feet and back to work. This helps keep money flowing into Montana businesses and ultimately creates a more prosperous state.


MSF is Montana’s largest (and only non-profit) workers’ compensation insurance company, insuring more employers than any other company in Montana. We cover a range of Montana’s industries and insure the majority of employers in agriculture to construction, educational services to trucking.

MSF is here for the long haul. We will continue to be an indispensable partner in achieving a safer, healthier and more prosperous Montana. We always look for innovative ways to support Montana businesses and keep workers safe.

In Session

Get the latest information about pending workers’ compensation legislation that may impact workers and/or policyholders, and learn whether MSF supports or opposes the legislation.

How Workers’ Compensation Works

See the specifics behind our partnership with businesses and the workers who power them.

Book by account size:

See how our policyholder mix – and primarily serving small businesses – keeps workers’ compensation insurance both affordable and high quality.

78% of our policyholders are small businesses
that pay less than $5,000 in annual premiums.
small business icon
Total Premium
big business icon
Total Premium
Which means that 85% of our total premium volume
comes from just 5,000 companies.

A Who’s Who of Montana’s Workers’ Compensation System

Several parties are involved in establishing and governing workers’ compensation insurance in Montana. Please click on a hexagon to learn more.

Insurance Companies The Montana Legislature The Judicial Branch State Auditor’s Office, Commissioner of Securities and Insurance (SAO/CSI) National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI) Montana Department of Labor and Industry (DOLI) The Executive Branch

The Montana Legislature

Montana’s legislators determine workers’ compensation laws for the state. The Legislature meets primarily in odd-numbered years from January until the beginning of May. If a bill is passed by both of its chambers, it is sent to the governor.

The Executive Branch

Head of the executive branch, the governor can choose to sign a bill to make it law, veto it or allow it to become law without a signature. The governor also has an “amendatory veto” option, which allows for certain changes to a bill before sending it back to the Legislature for consideration.

The Judicial Branch

As with any law, the judiciary serves to hear, consider and rule on disputes. In addition to the courts of the judiciary, under the DOLI umbrella Montana has is a workers’ compensation court to handle disputes specifically related to claims for workers’ comp benefits. Appeals from the workers’ compensation court go directly to the Montana Supreme Court.

Insurance Companies

Hundreds of insurance companies, including Montana State Fund, are approved to sell workers’ compensation coverage in Montana. All carriers follow the same benefit structure and abide by the National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI) basic manual when selling policies.

Montana Department of Labor and Industry (DOLI)

DOLI regulates workers’ compensation benefits and ensures employers are compliant with workers’ compensation laws. The department also aids injured employees and provides mediators to assist in benefit disputes.

State Auditor’s Office, Commissioner of Securities and Insurance (SAO/CSI)

The SAO regulates policy enforcement and the certification of insurance companies. SAO is also responsible for the overall regulation of insurance companies in Montana.

National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI)

The NCCI is an independent advisory organization appointed by SAO to gather data, analyze industry trends and provide objective insurance rate and loss cost recommendations.1
1. National Council on Compensation Insurance, “About NCCI,” May 20, 2022,,, accessed October 31, 2022.

Policyholders First

The best gauge of the job we’re doing for Montana is our policyholder satisfaction.

Timely claim management

Our average timing for the first payment of compensable claims is 6.31 days.
(The law allows 14.)
Our annual policyholder retention rate is greater than 90%.


Find answers to your questions about our structure, operations, the dollars and more.


Download these materials to learn even more about how Montana State Fund operates, how we are building a culture of safety, and how we are making Montana a better place to do business.

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